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Our Meeting with Dave Levac

We were honoured to meet with Former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Dave Levac. Mr. Levac discussed his career trajectory that ultimately gave him the privilege of becoming Speaker in 2011. He explained that every experience in his life helped inform his understanding of the role of Speaker. This included several years as a teacher and principal, his work with local non-profit organizations, and his various roles during his time as an MPP. In each experience, he seized every learning opportunity and encouraged us to do the same in our future pursuits. He told us that maintaining a sense of curiosity balanced with our own personal integrity will allow us to improve and grow.

Mr. Levac discussed his perspectives on non-partisanship in politics, explaining that he initially ran for Speaker because he wanted to promote positivity and collaboration with all sides. As an MPP prior to becoming Speaker, Mr. Levac created the first tri-partisan legislation ever to be passed in the Legislature in 2008. He explained that this legislation, pertaining to Holodomor Memorial Day, was successful because he connected all three parties together to co-sponsor the bill. In a partisan world, he highlighted the true value of working together. Even if collaboration takes extra time and effort, it can produce significant results. As interns actively working to maintain non-partisanship every day in our offices, this advice was particularly impactful.

Through it all, Mr. Levac emphasized the importance of life experience in the world of politics, as it will sharpen our judgement and keep us grounded in our future careers. As it came from the longest-serving Speaker in Ontario’s history, we are sure this is great advice. We thank you, Mr. Levac, for your guidance and candor in our conversation!


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